"From the research stage, to following strict protocol and having a final product brought to market. It is all very rewarding."

My name is Bernice Drummond. I worked most of my adult life as long haul cabin crew for British Airways before hanging up my wings in 2018 to follow my dream.
I have always enjoyed being creative and in 2008 I came across a traditional olive oil soap recipe and decided to have a go making it. I was instantly hooked and started making lots of different types of soap. Within a year, and lots of soap batches and practicing, I had decided to sell my wares and one thing led to another.
I studied cosmetic formulation and created a face cream using Rosehip Oil, Vitamin E, Grapefruit Seed Extract and Jojoba. Aware that the cabin environment was very dehydrating on the skin, I found my hydrating cream really helped with this. I love blending aromatherapy oils and formulating new products. From the research stage, to following strict protocol and having a final product brought to market. It is all very rewarding.
I am fortunate to live on a farm in rural Northumberland with my gorgeous family, including 4 Jack Russells (Pixie, Poppy, Pickles and Oscar) Dougal the Shetland, several hens and a couple of hives full of honey bees. My partner Edward, who is a farmer is a keen gardener and incredible artist. He and I share a love of music, cooking, jack russells, the countryside and all the things that nature provides.
LILAC & THYME derived its name from the song 'Riverman' by the singer-songwriter Nick Drake 1948-1974
"Gonna see the river man
Gonna tell him all I can
About the plan
For lilac time"

Thank you Fast Print
I would like to give a shout and say a huge thank you to the guys over at Fast Print who have produced beautiful quality labels for us, which reflect our products and brand message perfectly. It was important that they looked professional, but still had a hand crafted feel and their labels printed on quality textured paper was exactly the look I was after.